Sports IQ Presents:
Jumping, blocking, spiking fun!
Whether you’re on the beach, in a gym, or in a backyard, volleyball is always a great time!
Adult Sports:
Volleyball is an excellent sport to learn at any stage of life.
The goal is to return the ball over the net with a maximum of three hits.
Games go to 25, and it’s rally point which means at the end of every rally, a point is won by the team who last played the ball over the net successfully.
Volleyball is a great anticipation game.
By watching your opponent, you’ll learn to read where they’re going to hit the ball, and also learn where to put the ball to make them work harder than you!
First off, you’ll want to learn how to bump, set and spike the ball.
How Does the Game Work?
The goal in volleyball is to score points over your opponent by making shots that are in play, that they can’t return over the net within three hits.
To put the ball in play, the server hits the ball over the net to the opposing team. Servers can score up to 5 points with their serve, and then service is rotated to the next player. As teams win a point and get service from the opposing team, all players rotate to the right and the server changes.
Blocking is allowed (encouraged!) at the net, and serving the ball happens at the back line.
What Do I Need To Play?
Basically, you just need a volleyball and a net! You’ll want to set up lines for the in-bounds and out-bounds areas of play, if you don’t have lines on the ground already. Make sure to wear loose, stretchy clothing that will allow you to jump and crouch to make plays!
How Can I Learn As An Adult?
Read more below!
Volleyball can be a real treat to learn as an adult.
Because you’re a bit older, you can anticipate the plays better.
Also, the strategy for older players generally revolves around minimizing running, instead using pressure to keep the other team on the defensive.
Gear you’ll need
Choose a ball that suits your needs. If you’re playing outdoors, make sure you get an outdoor ball to ensure it can stand up to the elements.
Volleyball Net
Volleyball nets come in a number of different configurations.
Some considerations include indoor/outdoor, as well as if the net will be used in a collegiate/school setting or public setting vs. a personal application.
Knee Pads
Knee pads are strongly recommended, especially if you’re playing in an indoor setting. They’ll help protect your knees, and make it more likely that you’ll be able to get down and make epic digs!
You’ll want good court shoes if you’re playing indoors.
If you’re playing outdoors, you’ll likely be barefoot.
However, if you’re playing in a region where it’s prone to rain, some decent waterproof shoes go a long way when you’re playing in wet sand.
Basic Concepts
How to play
Volleyball is played with the goal of scoring points by bouncing the ball in your opponents’ side of the court, by hitting the ball over the net with your hands (or feet). It is rally point, which means that a point is scored after every rally – you do not need to have service to get a point.
Some recreational leagues will have certain rules to help keep the gameplay more fair. These may include rules such as no overhand serves, no spikes, or rules about how many males and females can be on court at any given time.
Volleyball is a great indoor/outdoor sport, because you can play it in a gymnasium, on grass, or on the beach.
Basic Concepts: How to Play
Here’s a great video that will take you from start to finish through all the gameplay components of volleyball.
Credit Sohanna Vball
Basic Concepts: How to Serve Underhand
This video is a great introduction to the underhand serve, which is your best place to start as a beginner. Once you’ve mastered the underhand serve, try the overhand serve!
Credit Sarah Pavan Volleyball
core movements
Core Movements:
There are three important movements in volleyball.
These are the bump, the set, and the spike.
The bump is generally the first hit, especially if your opponent has spiked the ball over the net.
The set, also known as a pass, is generally used for the second hit, in order to send the ball into a perfect spot for your teammate to spike the ball over the net.
The spike is usually the final hit, used to put pressure on your opponent by hitting the ball over the net at a sharp angle with lots of power.
Core Movements: Learn to Bump (Bump Set)
Here’s a nice short video to show you how to bump the volleyball. This is most commonly used as the first hit after the opponent sends the ball to your side.
Credit WikiHow
Core Movements: Learn to Set (Pass)
Another great video from Sarah Pavan, this one really simplifies the set/pass motion.
Credit Sarah Pavan Volleyball
Core Movements: Learn to Spike
The spike can be one of the hardest volleyball skills to learn.
At Home Practice:
Practicing at home is the quickest way to gain skills at any sport!
When possible, grab a partner to help you with bump and spike drills, or just set the ball back and forth to each other.
The great thing about volleyball practice, is that there are so many drills that you can do by yourself, since the goal is normally to hit the ball back up high in the air.
Check out these videos that will give you some ideas on how to improve your skills when you’re at home.
At Home Practice: Basic Drills
Check out this video from Souther Miss Sports, with some great drills and exercises you can do at home. Check out their Youtube at:
At Home Practice: Basic Drills
Here’s a great short with some quick drills you can learn at home.
At Home Practice: Practice Setting
How to Warm Up for Volleyball:
Warming up properly helps avoid injuries.
Volleyball can be high-intensity, especially if it’s on a gym floor.
Make sure you are wearing proper footwear, and protective gear if required.
Use these exercises to warm up before a game, and don’t forget to stretch when you get home!
Warm Ups: Dynamic Volleyball Warm Ups
Warm Ups: Full Body Warm Up
Dynamic 5 Minute Warm Up
This video from Anabolic Aliens does a great job of getting you a full body warm-up within 5 minutes – they even run the timer!
Fitness and Strength for Volleyball:
Volleyball revolves around a few core movements that you can work on to improve your performance.
First off, you’ll want to work on your jumping.
Jumping is key to blocking, spiking, and diving for the ball.
Secondly, basic movement exercises will get you quick on your feet, ready to anticipate the next shot!
Jump Training: Build muscle to jump higher and faster!
Exercises: Jump Strength!